SAFE Sample Letters

We have provided some sample letters for you to use as examples.
Please note that actual letters will get better results than sending emails.
We thank you for participating in this fundraiser!


Dear Friends,

Since 2012, we have been deeply involved with Maua Methodist Hospital (MMH) in Maua, Kenya. The hospital, founded by British missionaries more than 90 years ago, has weathered many storms. I ask that you help them weather the COVID storm.

 After a very encouraging first quarter of 2020, when MMH saw significant improvement in patient counts helped by a new orthopedic surgeon and OB-GYN joining the staff, COVID-19 hit.  Because of COVID-19, the number of patients coming to the Outpatient Department has decreased substantially.  This has forced MMH to implement some significant “belt tightening” initiatives, including reducing professional staff salaries by up to 20%. The US has faced similar issues. If patients do not come, revenue is not available.

 MMH continues to receive emergency cases resulting from motorbike accidents, farming accidents and other major mishaps common to rural Kenya. A large percentage of these patients cannot afford the surgeries needed. The SAFE Program (Surgical Access For Everyone) has become the primary source of funds to pay for these surgeries. 40 cases were funded during the third quarter 2020 costing $36,541.  Surgeries performed in Q3 include a thumb reconstruction for $872, an emergency C-section for $485, radius and ulnar repair for $1500.  In funding these surgeries, the bulk of what we had previously raised has been depleted.

The 2021 fundraising goal for FOMH is to raise $60,000 for SAFE, which will then be matched by AMH for a total or $120,000 in surgical funds for MMH patients!

For more details and stories about the MMH SAFE Program, follow this link:

Without any doubt, times are challenging for everyone.  However, most procedures at Maua Methodist Hospital cost on average around $800, so any contribution will have an impact. I pray that you will consider joining me in changing lives by helping to provide restorative surgical procedures for some of the “least of God’s children”.  


All donations are tax-deductible.

To use your credit card: Go to our SAFE Program partner, African Mission Healthcare’s website Just follow this link


Dear Friends,

I would like to tell you about something dear to my heart – SAFE – Surgical Access for Everyone, a program at Maua Methodist Hospital in Maua, Kenya.

This program provides access to desperately needed surgical procedures for people in Kenya who otherwise could not afford it. SAFE is a partnership between:
Maua Methodist Hospital, ( ),
African Mission Healthcare ( and
Friends of Maua Hospital (

Despite COVID-19, MMH continues to receive mothers needing caesarean deliveries, emergency cases resulting from motorbike accidents, farming accidents and other major mishaps common to rural Kenya. A large percentage of these patients cannot afford the surgeries needed to return them to their prior, healthy lives. The SAFE Program has become the primary source of funds to pay for these unfortunate patients. MMH has had over 150 SAFE approved cases from 2019 through 2020. That’s 150 stories of lives restored! In order for MMH to continue providing these critical surgeries, Friends of Maua Hospital (FOMH) has set a goal to raise $120,000 in 2021. African Mission Healthcare’s (AMH) $60,000 matching grant makes our goal very achievable!

MMH had 56 SAFE approved cases from January 2020 to June 2020, mostly emergencies, costing $48,761. All of those were paid for entirely with SAFE Program funds.  Surgeries performed include a thumb reconstruction for $872, an emergency C-section for $485, radius and ulnar repair for $1500. However, those depleted the bulk of the funds designated for SAFE that were previously raised.

To donate directly to the SAFE program at Maua Methodist Hospital please click below. The average cost of a surgery at the hospital is $800, so every dollar donated is greatly appreciated. 100% of funds are used for surgeries and are tax deductible.

For more information and stories about the MMH SAFE Program, follow this link:

Become part of the story!

With deep appreciation,