These are teams that have a specific focus or task to perform. They are made up of volunteers that have a particular skill, experience, or availability of a resource for an area of focus or task at MMH.

Hospital Infrastructure & TECHNICAL SUPPORT:

·        ADVANCE TEAM – Supports MMH through the development of its Strategic Infrastructure Plan and the monitoring and reporting of Construction and maintenance activities at the Hospital. This team also guides and coordinates other technical teams in their support of the Hospital initiatives, such as Water, Electrical and IT improvement. CONTACT: Jon Hockenberry (jonhocken@gmail.com)

·        CLEAN WATER TEAM – Supports the development of the scope, specifications, and design of the initiative to have a dependable, maintainable, and affordable supply of potable to all locations on the MMH campus. Also included are plans to improve the function and reliability of the Hospital’s firewater system. CONTACT: David Boyle (dboyle@tamu.edu)

·        ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT TEAM –  Develops a strategy and plan to improve the reliability of the hospital’s electrical system, reduce the cost and amount of purchased electrical energy, and provide additional electrical capacity to support growth as MMH expands its capabilities in the future. CONTACT: Dave Bruce (dhbruce@suddenlink.net)

·        IT TEAM – Assists the Hospital in developing long term  plans for development and maintenance of the IT system infrastructure. Assists in the development of the annual IT workplan and budget. Offers guidance for development and evaluation of software and vendor support agreements. CONTACT: Jon Hockenberry (jonhocken@gmail.com)


Medical Professionals:

MMH is very interested in working with doctors, nurses, physical therapists, dentists and opthalmologists who would like to come serve. Read a surgeon’s story here!


Subject Matter Experts:

People with expertise in areas such as IT, global health and management consulting are encouraged to make their skills known in order to maximize their value to MMH and those coming to serve.
Contact Kathie Mann to get connected.